VPIV - Create a Messaging Panel

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A Messaging Panel is a type of built in wizard as there are only certain features that you can change.

1. Open the VT3000 web interface – select VP IV from the home screen.

2. Click on the Panels icon from the VP IV home page.

3. On the Panels page select page 3 from the Add New menu – click on the Messaging Panel option.

4. On the Messaging Panel page – Panel Properties section you will see the following options:

a. Name – enter a name for this messaging panel. b. Refresh – this is the number of seconds that you want to elapse before the panel refreshes the data. c. Display Elapsed Time – to show this time to the right of the message you will need to place a checkmark in the box next to Display. You will also need to select the time format from the Format field. d. Inactivity Behavior – use the field to type in the text that you want to show on the screen when there are no active calls/alarms. Use the Fore and Back color blocks to assign the color for the panel background and text.

5. Click on the Layout header line to expand this section.

6. On the Layout section you will see the following options:

a. Font Style – by default the font will be Arial. If you would like to change this click on the down arrow and select a different font. b. Font Size – this is where you would type in the size of the font that you want to see on the panel. As each monitor is different you may need to come back later to change this to a size that views well on your monitor. c. Messages Per Page – this is where you will enter the number of messages that you want to see on one panel/page. Our suggestion is 5 but you can make the font size smaller to fit more messages on the panel/page. The panel will simply rotate through all screens that have messages if there are more than the number you have for one page. For our example we have 5 in the field – if there were 10 messages then the panel would show one panel with 5 messages and another panel with 5 messages. d. Paging Interval – this is the number of seconds that you want to elapse before the second panel/page loads/shows. e. Show Footer – if you want the panel to show which page it is on (page 1 of 5) place a check mark in the box. Use the two color boxes to pick a background and text color for the footer. This section will appear at the bottom of the panel. f. Alignment – use this field to select whether you want the messages to appear aligned to the Left, Right or Centered.

7. Click on the Color header line to expand this section.

8. On the Color section, you will have the 2 options for color change:

a. By State Change – selecting this option will change the color of the message based on the state of the alarm (Set or Acknowledged). b. By Time Threshold – selecting this option will change the color of the message based on an elapsed amount of time.

9. By State Change, allows you to change the background and foreground color for Set and Acknowledge. Click on either color box to access the palate to change them. Blink is an option you can select to blink the text on the screen, these options are explained in step 11.

10. By Time Threshold, allows you to change the background and foreground color based on the amount of time that has elapsed. Click on the color box to access the palate to change them. Enter the number of minutes that you wish to elapse before the color changes to what you selected. Blink is an option you can select to blink the text on the screen, these options are explained in step 11

11. If you click on a box for Blink, you can select background and foreground colors that will alternate every second with the main colors selected. Click on the color box to access the palate. In our example, we have the background and the text the same color so the text will blink on and off.

12. Click on the Filtering header line to expand this section.

13. On the Filtering section you will see the following options:

a. Include – if you made groups in the VT3000 core software, click on the down arrow to select that group. The default setting is All Active Alarms. b. Activation – if you do not want to see active alarm messages, place a check mark in the box. c. Acknowledgement – if you do not want to see acknowledged alarm messages, place a check mark in the box.

14. Once you have made all of the changes that you want click on the Save & Exit button at the top right corner of the page. This will return you to the Panels page.

15. If you select to View you message panel, and you have active alarms, it will look similar to the screen below.