VPIV Incidents Tag

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Number of Incidents Tag

This tag is used to tally up the number of times a monitoring point has been activated.

Name & Functionality


1. Name - enter a name.

2. Functionality - select Duration

Time Settings - Current Shift


1. Active Only - select to only show current active time.

2. Time Period - select Current Shift.

3. Schedule - select the appropriate schedule containing the shift times.

4. Data Range - there are 6 options.

    a. Current Day - show duration time for the current day.
    b. Current Week - show duration time for the current week.
    c. Current Month - show duration time for the current month.
    d. Day Span - enter the From and To day range.
    e. Week Span - enter the From and To week range.
    f. Month Span - enter the From and To month range.

Time Settings - 24 Hour


1. Active Only - select to only show current active time.

2. Time Period - select 24 Hour.

3. Schedule - select the appropriate schedule containing the shift times.

4. Data Range - there are 6 options.

    a. Current Day - show duration time for the current day.
    b. Current Week - show duration time for the current week.
    c. Current Month - show duration time for the current month.
    d. Day Span - enter the From and To day range.
    e. Week Span - enter the From and To week range.
    f. Month Span - enter the From and To month range.

Time Settings - Specific Shift


1. Active Only - select to only show current active time.

2. Time Period - select Specific Shift.

3. Schedule - select the appropriate schedule containing the shift times.

4. Shift - select the appropriate shift based on the selected schedule

5. Data Range - there are 6 options.

    a. Current Day - show duration time for the current day.
    b. Current Week - show duration time for the current week.
    c. Current Month - show duration time for the current month.
    d. Day Span - enter the From and To day range.
    e. Week Span - enter the From and To week range.
    f. Month Span - enter the From and To month range.

Time Settings - Span


1. Active Only - select to only show current active time.

2. Time Period - select Span.

3. From - enter the number of seconds to go back to start the span.

4. To - enter the number of second to go back to the end of the span.

4. Schedule - select the appropriate schedule.

Time Options


1. Exclude Overlap - select to omit all overlapping time from anywhere.

2. All Time - select to include all time regardless of shift configuration.

3. Shift Time - select to include all shift time regardless of breaks.

4. Shift/Non-Break Time - select to include all shift without break time.

Data Source - Monitoring Point


1. Data Source - select Monitoring Point.

2. Device - select the Device configured with the monitoring point.

3. Monitoring Point - select the monitoring point to gather duration data from.

Data Source - Filter Group


1. Data Source - select Filter Group.

2. Group - select the filter group to gather duration data from.

Data Source - Device


1. Data Source - select Device.

2. Device - select the device to gather duration data from.

Result - Integer


1. Result - select Integer - the duration time will be a number of seconds. This option is used when creating a formula which requires an integer.

Result - Time Span


1. Result - select Time Span.

2. Format - there are 6 options.

    a. HH:MM:SS - the value will be in Hours: Minutes: Seconds.
    b. MM:SS - the value will be in Minutes: Seconds.
    c. HH:MM - The value will be in Hours: Minutes.
    d. Hours - the value will be in hours.
    e. Minutes - the value will be in minutes.
    f. Seconds - the value will be in seconds.