VPIV - Create/Edit Rotating Panels

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Create/Edit Rotating Panels

Rotating panels are used when you want to view multiple panels on one monitor. Each panel will appear on the screen for a set amount of time then the next panel will show for a set amount of time. This helps when faced with having too many cells/objects on one panel to make is easy to read.


1. Create at least 2 Panels of any type.

Instructions - Create a Rotating Panel

1. Open the VT3000 web interface - select VP IV - select Rotating Panels icon.

2. Click on the Add button.

3. Following options are available:

    a. Rotating Panel Name - enter a name for this set of panels.
    b. Rotating Panel List - use this section to select panels and enter duration times (seconds).
         i. Panel - click on the down arrow to select a panel.
         ii. Duration - enter a number of seconds for the panel to appear on the monitor.
         iii. Add - click on the Add button once the panel is selected and duration is entered.

4. A new line will appear under the last panel that was added. Repeat the process from above to add more panels to the rotation.

5. Once all panels have been added to the rotation, click on the Save & Exit button under the Rotation Panel Name.

Instructions - Edit a Rotating Panel

Generally editing is used to alter the duration, but you can also change the panels being viewed.

1. Open the VT3000 web interface - select VP IV - select Rotating Panels icon.

2. Select a Rotating Panel from the list so that it is highlighted.

3. Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the list.

4. On the Edit Rotating Panel screen you will see the same options available from the Adding/Creating section.

    a. Rotating Panel Name - delete the old name and enter a new one.
    b. Rotating Panel List - all the panel previously added will be listed.
         i. Edit - click on the Edit link inline with the panel name to change it.
              1. Panel - select a different panel to display.
              2. Duration - enter a new duration time.
         ii. Update - click on the Update link inline with the panel name to save changes.
         iii. Add - add an additional panel to the existing rotation. Instructions are the same as Adding/Creating.

5. Once all panels, in the rotation, have been edited - click on the Save & Exit button under the Rotation Panel Name.

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