VRS Theme Designer

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The Theme Designer allows the user the change the colors, fonts and font sizes used on the reports.


Designer Live Image
At the top of the page there will be a live image of the settings on the page. Anytime you change one of the settings, the image will update with that change.

Theme Loader
Select the down arrow to select a Theme. Once a theme is selected, the name will show in the field. After making any changes to the selected theme, click on the Save icon (disk below the X button) to save the changes.
1. Enter a name for a new theme or leave it to edit the one being shown.
2. Select the "X" icon to delete the theme.
3. Select the disc icon to save the theme after editing.

Title & Report Information Fonts
Use this section to change the Text properties of the report Title & Report Information.
Title Font - select the font to be used for the report title text.
Info Font - select the font to be used for the report information text located in the top left corner under the title.
Font Size - select the font size for the Title or Info.
Font Color - select the font color for the report Title or Info.

Legend & Axis Title Fonts
Use this section to change the Text properties of the report Title & Report Information.
Legend Font - select the font to be used for the report legend text, generally found at the bottom of the report.
Axis Title Font - select the font to be used for the axis text (horizontal text on the left or right side of the graph).
Font Size - select the font size for the Legend or Axis Title.
Font Color - select the font color for the report Legend or Axis Title.

Value & Tool Tip Fonts
Use this section to change the Text properties of the values shown on the graph (end/top of bars or on line points) and the message that appears when hovering over the bars in the graph.
Value Font - select the font to be used for the value text of the bars (shown at the top of each bar on the graph).
Tool Tip Font - select the font to be used for the tool tips text (message that appears when mousing over the bars in the graph).
Font Size - select the font size for the Value or Tool Tip.
Font Color - select the font color for the Value or Tool Tip.

X & Y Axis Fonts
Use this section to change the Text properties of the information shown along the X and Y axis.
X Axis Font - select the font to be used for the X Axis.
Y Axis Font - select the font to be used for the Y Axis.
Font Size - select the font size for the X or Y Axis.
Font Color - select the font color for the X or Y Axis.
Rotation - select the angle of the font for the X or Y Axis.

Label Clipping
Labels/Names of Devices, Monitoring Points or Data Fields can get very long. When a label is too long, the graph will shrink on the page to accommodate the label wording. To avoid this issue, set the Label Clipping to a specific number of characters that will fit on the report.

Series Color
Each line in the list is for a specific bar on the graph. The bars are called Series, each line in the list has a designation of S and a Number. The number dictates where it falls based on counting from the left side of the graph and moving to the right. Look at the Live Image at the top of the screen for guidance. To change a series color, click on the specific series in the list.
List Arrows - use the up and down arrows to switch the order of bar colors in the graph.
Color Swatch - once a series is selected, the color will show in the box at the top of the list next to the Plus icon.
Color Picker - click anywhere on the Color Swatch to access the Color Picker. Use the color interface to make/select a new color. Select Apply button when the color is correct to apply the change to the series.
Plus Icon - select this icon to add a new Series to the list.
X Icon - select this icon to delete the selected Series on the list.


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