VT3000 - Install - Existing SQL Server Instance

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If you already have an SQL Server installed on your network/system, the VersaCall software can use it for the database storage.

See Requirements Here
1. The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.
2. SQL Server Express, Standard or Enterprise Instance installed & running on a computer/server.
3. Permission to add databases to the SQL Server Instance.
4. Permission to add a log in on the SQL Server Instance


Step 1.
Create the following 8 databases - ensure the naming is EXACTLY the same as the list below. The default size can be used.
a. AdvancedMonitoringAndScheduling
b. Connectivity_Configuration
c. Connectivity_Tables
d. VersaCallReportingSoftwareII
e. VirtualPanelsIV
f. VT3000_Administration
g. VT3000_Configuration
h. VT3000_Events

Step 2.
Create a username and password in SQL and assign it as the db_owner of each of the databases.

Select a Guide Here
Guide for Installing SQL Server 2008 to 2016
Guide for Installing SQL Server 2017 & Above


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