VT3000 - Errors - Database Connection is Closed

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These instructions explain how to resolve the "Database Connection is Closed" error received when logging into VT3000. This error can be received in any of the VersaCall programs as they are all related to the same issue.

Error Message


This error occurs because the VersaCall software cannot communicate with the SQL Server where the databases are stored. To fix this error we need to determine if the SQL Server instance is local or if we are communicating with a server on your network.


1. The VT3000 Core Software installed.

2. Access to the Computer/Server where the VersaCall software is installed.

3. Permission to Start & Stop a Windows service.

Instructions - SQL Location and Login Information

To complete the steps in this section you must be logged on to the computer/server hosting the VersaCall software.

1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the following location.

2. Click once on the "DatabaseRegistry.xml" file so that it is highlighted.

3. Right click on the "DatabaseRegistry.xml" icon - select File - Open With - select Notepad.

4. At the top of the document you will see "Address" in the text. If the text reads as "\SQLEXPRESS" or another name (has to show to be local), proceed to the next section. If your address begins with anything other than "" it means your databases are stored on a server on your network. You will need to contact your IT department. They will be able to determine if the server is running or not and if your username and password are still valid. In many cases the passwords have been changed, see the "Instructions - Network Database" section below.

Instructions - Local Database

Use these instructions if your Address began with

1. Open Windows Explorer.

2. In the address field type in "Control Panel" - hit the Enter key.

3. Select Administrative Tools from the list of options.

4. Select Services.

5. Scroll down the list of service names until you see "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" if the name of your instance is different you will see that instead of SQLEXPRESS.

6. The Status of the service will have nothing showing. This means the service is not running and we need to restart it. If you service shows as "Running" in the status, please contact VersaCall Support.

7. Click on the service so that it is highlighted - select "Start the service from the options to the left of the service names.

8. A window will appear showing that the system is restarting the service with a progress bar.

9. The service status should now show as "Running" after the restarting service window goes away.

10. Return to the VT3000 web interface and log in. If you get the same error again contact VersaCall Support.

Instructions - Network Database

If your IT department told you that the password and/or username has changed, follow the instructions below. If there is another reason for the error, please contact VersaCall Support for assistance.

1. With the "DatabaseRegistry.xml" file open, go the the "Password" line. Change the password that is showing to the password that your IT department provided to you.

2. Repeat this step for all of the databases you see in the XML file. Once all the passwords have been updated select File - Save.

3. Close the notepad window and all other associated windows. Open the VT3000 web interface and log in. If you get the same error again contact VersaCall Support for further assistance.

Step by Step Guides

Update Databases - SQL Server

Update Databases - VT3000

Backup Databases - VT3000

Backup Databases - SQL Server

Having Trouble?
