VRS - Create an Equipment Timeline Report

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This report gives you the production, in minutes of events, along production run. For this template, a definition group for Downtime, Idle, Production, and Setup, must be created prior to running this report. Click Here for information regarding definition groups.


1. VRS II installed and running on the system.

2. An Equipment Timeline Report Template uploaded into the system.

3. Permission to Run a Report.


Below are the options shown when creating an Equipment Timeline report. Visit the New Report page Click Here for more information on any individual step.

1. Select Category - Production. Click on the thumbnail for more information.

2. Select a Template - Equipment Timeline. Click on the thumbnail for more information.

3. Select a Variant - There are multiple variants and each template has a specific number of variants. Click on the thumbnail for more information.

4. Select the Date Range - Choose which date(s) you want the report to cover.

    Dates - Only supports a range of 1 day.

5. Select a Data Source(s) - Select the definition group that was created for this report.

    Definition Groups - Select a definition group to be applied.

6. Time Frame - Select what time(s) to include.

    Full Day - Provides information for a specific schedule (start time to end time).
    Shifts - Provides information of a specific shift(s) as defined by the schedule.
    Specified - Provides information for a specific time frame defined in the fields provided.

7. Options - The following will be available.

    Report Title - Title on top of the generated report.
    Zoom On Action - Yes will remove large blocks on non-allocated time at the beginning and end of the day .
    Minimum Duration - Exclude events with a duration (minutes) shorter than the time specified.
    Template Theme -  Select a color theme for chart series if you have saved one.

8. Summary - A selected options will show from the previous steps. Select the Run button if all selections are correct.

Step by Step Guides

Step Descriptions/Information

Add a Report Template

Create a Saved Report

Create an Automated Report

Create a Real-Time Report

Add a User Group (Permissions)

Setup Email - SMTP Settings

Having Trouble?