VT3000 - Print Out - Device Configuration

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After the Device has been configured in the software a printout can be created. In many cases this is the best way to check the configuration of the device.

See Requirements Here
1. The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.
2. At least one Device Configuration setup in the system.




Step 1.
Open the VT3000 web interface – select VT3000 - log in – select Configuration – select Devices.
3174 1.png
3174 2.png
Configuration Devices

Step 2.
Select a Configuration from the Device list so that it is highlighted. Select the Print button at the bottom of the Device list.
3127 3.png
3127 4.png

Step 3.
A new tab will open on the browser - the printout will be similar to the image below.
3127 5.png

Step 4.
You can view the information on the screen or select one of the icons for a different format.
3127 6.png
3127 7.png
3127 8.png
Print the Table Download an XML File Send to VersaCall

Select a Guide Here
Create a Print Out of All Routes
Create a Print Out of All Outputs
Create a Print Out of All Shifts/Schedules
Create a Print Out of All Shared Lists
Create a Print Out of All Filter Groups


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