VT3000 - Add Process Count

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The PSM and TIM have an I/O module that can accept a wired input from a machine. This input can be setup as a count. The guide explains how to add a Count under a Process. This means the Count will not be active until the Process has been started. Before using this guide, a wired input must be pulled from the machine and wired into the I/O module.


1. A TIM or PSM module powered and communicating with the system.

2. Wired contact from machine connected to one of the Input connectors on the IO.

3. Setup the Discrete Input as a Count.


1. Open the VT3000 web interface – select Configuration – select Devices.

2. Select the PSM or TIM that has the wired input and has had the Discrete Input configured - select the Edit button.

3. Select the Monitoring Points tab.

4. Select the Process from the root. If you do not have a Process setup, see Add a Process to a PSM - TIM - BSC - (VT3000) for instructions on how to set on up.

5. Select the Sampler icon from the Monitoring Points tool box.

6. Sampler Properties:

    a. Sampler ID – assigned by the VT3000 system.
    b. Sampler Name – enter a name for the Count.
    c. Mode – select Linked Sampler.
    d. Type – select Count.
    e. Trigger – select when the count is synced with the VersaCall system.
         i. Periodic – creates a field titled Period (s).
              1. Period(s) – enter the number of seconds to elapse before the count is updated.
         ii. As Occurs – count will update when a count occurs.
    f. Input – select the down arrow - select the input that you setup in steps 1 - 7.
    g. Don’t Send Zeros – only available for Periodic counts - if there is no count nothing will be recorded.
    h. Color – select a color of the field shown on the touch screen (Red, Yellow or Green).

7. Example:

8. The Count will show inside the Process.

9. Select Save & Exit.

10. You will have to update the configuration on the module before the count can be used. Click Here for instructions on updating the module.

Step by Step Guides

Add a Continuous Count (TIM or PSM)

Add a Count to a BSC

Add a Virtual Count (TIM or PSM

Add a Count to a PC Input Module

Wire a Count Input from Equipment

Discrete Input Setup for a Count

Having Trouble?
