VT3000 - Add Virtual Count - TIM & PSM

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Instances where a count is needed, but there is no ability to pull a count from a Machine, you would need a Virtual Count. This type of count is a manual entry interface. Virtual Counts added to a TIM or PSM are different from other modules. The button will show on the left side of the touch screen as a circle.
An operator would touch the count button to increase the count by 1. Below the active process, there is a count tally shown.
Additional Information
A Virtual Count can only be added as a subordinate/child of a Process

See Requirements Here
1. The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.
2. A Coordinator must be setup, powered and communicating with the VT3000 Core Software.
3. Hardware - TIM or PSM must be powered and communicating with the system.
4. A Process must be programmed/added to the device configuration.




Step 1.
Select the PSM or TIM that you setup the Virtual Input on in the Common Steps - select the Edit button.
3139 4.png

Step 2.
Select the Monitoring Points tab.

Step 3.
Select the Add Process icon under the Monitoring Points tab if a process does not already exist.

Step 4.
Process Properties - setup the monitoring point as shown below:
Process Name - enter Work.
Mode - select Process.

Step 5.
With the Process Selected in the root - select the Add Sampler icon from the toolbox.

Step 6.
Sampler Properties - setup the monitoring point as shown below:
Sampler Name - enter Count.
Mode - select Linked Sampler.
Type - select Count.
Trigger - select As Occurs.
Input - select Count - this is the Virtual Input setup in the beginning of the guide.
Color - select default.

Step 7.
The Root should look like the image below.

Step 8.
Select Save & Exit button.
3139 11.png

Step 9.
You will need to update the TIM/PSM, CLICK HERE for instructions.

Step 10.
Example of what the Touch Screen will display.
Not Active - press the Start Work/Process button to enable a count.
Active Count - press the Count button to add a count - press the End Work/Process button to disable the count.

Select a Guide Here
Add a Count Button - BSC
Add a Count Button - PC Input Module
Add a Continuous Count - TIM PSM Switch Contact
Setup a Wired Input as a Count - TIM PSM Switch Contact
Add a Count to a Process - TIM, PSM


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