VT3000 - Find Phone Modem Settings

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If you have a need to check the Phone Modem settings or if a VersaCall Technician asks you provide the settings, the instructions below will show you have to find them.

See Requirements Here
1. The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.
2. A USB Phone Modem setup, plugged in and communicating with the VT3000 Core Software.




Step 1.
Open the VT3000 web interface – select VT3000 Core Software - log in – select Administration – select System Settings - select Service.
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Administration System Settings Service

Step 2.
Select the Audio Out tab.

Step 3.
You will see the following settings:
Enabled - check marked to indicate the device is being used.
Description - name of the device, generally labeled as Phone Modem.
Driver - Direct Audio will be selected.
Port - this will generally be set to LPT1. As this is not used with a Phone Modem, the setting is not important.

Step 4.
After you have collected the information, ensure you select Discard & Exit so that no changes are made.

Select a Guide Here
Install Instructions for Phone Modem
Information on Using a Phone Modem & 2-Way Radio on the Same System
Add a Phone Number for Voice Calls
Test a Phone Number for Voice Calls
Increase/Decrease the Number of Repeats on Voice Calls
Adjust the Volume of Voice Calls when Using a Phone Modem
Set up Device Monitoring
Find the Location of all VersaCall Databases
Turn Debug Mode On/Off in VT3000 Core Software
Control Center Location & Text to Voice Settings
Location for the Coordinator Settings & Driver Setup
Location for the Paging Transmitter Settings & Driver Setup
Location for the 2-Way Radio Settings & Driver Setup
Location & Setup for the SMTP Email Server


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