VT3000 - Add Alarm by Reason

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  • There is a type of Alarm called by Reason (On Acknowledge or On Clear).
  • This alarm is used for two basic reasons.
  • The reasons are separate from the main alarm which means they have their own separate communication paths.
  • If you want to notify specific people when a specific reason has been selected you can do this with this setup.
  • The second reason is for reporting purposes.
  • Running a Downtime Breakdown report will use this setup to produce the data on the report.
  • The report will show the total downtime for the Device, Alarm and each individual Reason on one page.
  • This type of Alarm can be used on a BSC, TIM, PSM, PC BSC & PC Input Modules.


  • The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.
  • Hardware BSC, TIM or PSM - a Coordinator must be setup, powered and communicating with the Core Software.
  • Software PC BSC or PC Input Module - Plug-In must be loaded in the Core Software and at least 1 license remaining.
  • When setting up Communication Paths, the Routes must be setup.
  • Names of what each button/alarm is to be called.
  • Permission to Add a Device.



Open the VT3000 web interface – select VT3000 Core Software - log in - select Configuration - select Devices.
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To Add a New Device:
Select the Device Icon from the Add New menu.
To Edit an Existing Device:
Select an existing Device from the list so that it is highlighted - select the Edit button.

For a New Device, enter a Name on the Properties tab.
Select the Monitoring Points tab.

Select the Add Alarm icon from the Tool Box.

The Alarm Properties will load on the right side of the Root.
The following options will be available.
Alarm ID - this is generated by the VT3000 software.
Alarm Name – enter a name for the Alarm/button.
Mode - Dual State with Reason on Clear – select this option for a Dual State alarm with reasons appearing on Clear.
Mode - Tri-State with Reason on Acknowledge - select this option for a Tri-State alarm with reasons appearing on Acknowledge.
Mode - Tri-State with Reason on Clear - select this option for a Tri-State alarm with reasons appearing on Clear.

With the new Alarm selected in the Root, select the Add Alarm icon.

The Alarm (Reason) Properties will load on the right side of the Root.
The following options are available.
Alarm ID - this is generated by the VT3000 software.
Alarm Name – enter a name for the Reason.
Mode - Reason on Clear – select this option if you selected the Dual State or Tri-State with Reason on Clear mode.
Mode - Reason on Acknowledge - select this option if you selected the Tri-State with Reason on Acknowledge mode.

Select the Main Alarm from the root, select the Communications tab.

Select the Add Path icon from the Communications Tool Box.

The Communications Properties will load.
The following options will be available.
Path Name - enter a name for the communication path if you want something other than Default.
Route - select the appropriate route for the alarm.
Lag Time (s) - if you want to delay a number of seconds before sending the message, enter that number here.
Set - use the Default message by selecting the << button or type in you own customized message. Default Message (for this example) = Maintenance needed at Station 1.
Acknowledge – option will only show if you have selected a Tri-State Alarm. Use the Default message by selecting the << button or type in you own customized message. Default Message (for this example) = Maintenance responded to Station 1.
Clear – use the Default message by selecting the << button or type in you own customized message. Default Message (for this example) = Maintenance issue resolved at Station 1.

Select the Reason under the Main Alarm in the root, select the Communications tab.

Select the Add Path icon from the Communications Tool Box.

Depending on the type of Alarm selected, you will have a path for the Reason for each state after Set.
The following shows what the Default Messages would send to your Contacts/Outputs:
Acknowledge - Broken Belt responded to Station 1.
Clear - Broken Belt issue resolved at Station 1.
NOTE: If you selected the Reason on Clear (Dual or Tri State), you would only have a Communication Path for the Clear State.

Both the Main Alarm & the Reason Alarm have their own individual Communication Paths.
They can have separate messages and separate routes set up.
They can act completely independent of the other.

Once you have setup the Alarms & Reasons, select Save & Exit to save your changes.
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Select a Guide Here
Add an Alarm as a Label
Add an Alarm to a PSM
Add Communications to an Alarm
Setup a Wired Contact (Input) as a Dual State Alarm
Setup a Wired Contact (Input) as a Tri-State Alarm
Setup a Wired Contact (Input) as a Tri-State w/Reason on Acknowledge Alarm
Install a Device Plug In (PC Module, BSC or PSM)


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