VT3000 - Change ISO Code - Call Station - Use Buttons

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An Isolation Code is the specific channel used with a coordinator. Different Isolation Codes are required for facilities with multiple coordinators. New devices are shipped with a default Isolation Code of 1. Below is a guide on programming the ISO Code using the buttons on the Call Station.


1. The VT3000 Core Software installed and running on your system.

2. At least on Coordinator connected and installed on the system.

2. At least one Call Station powered or battery powered.


1. Go to the Call Station you want to change the ISO Code on. Ensure it is powered On - Green or Red LED will be blinking in top right corner of the device.

2. Press & Hold down the White Square button - press down the # 3 button.

3. All of the LED's in the top left corner of the Call Station will turn on - release both buttons when this happens.

4. You will need to understand what buttons represent what numbers before proceeding - this is explained below:

    a. # 1 button represents a 1.
    b. # 2 button represents a 10.

5. Press & Release the # 4 button.

6. The Red LED light next to either the # 1 or # 2 buttons will blink.

7. Using the button representation in step # 4, you can determine what ISO Code the Call Station is set to.

    Example: If the # 1 button LED blinks 3 times it would mean the Call Station is set the ISO Code 3.
    Example: If the # 1 button LED blinks 1 time & the # 2 button blinks 1 time it would mean the Call Station is set to ISO Code 11.

8. Using the # 1 and # 2 buttons, press and release the proper sequence to get the ISO Code that you want to assign this Call Station.

9. Once you have it programmed in, press and release the # 4 button. The Red LED light next to the buttons will blink the ISO Code that you entered.

10. If the new ISO Code is correct you can go to step # 11. If the new ISO Code is incorrect, you will need to repeat stpes 7 to 9.

11. Open the VT3000 web interface - log in - select Diagnostics - select Device Status.

12. Ensure that your Call Station is showing on the Device Status page for the Coordinator (ISO Code) you assigned it to.

Related - Step by Step Guides
Add a Call Station Configuration
Installation Instructions for a Battery Call Station
Installation Instructions for a Powered Call Station
Update the Configuration on a Battery Call Station
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Update the Firmware on a Battery Call Station - Wireless
Update the Firmware on a Powered Call Station - Wireless
Update the Firmware on a Call Station - Manually
Install/Attach a Stack Light to a Call Station
Configure/Setup Light Stack on the Call Station Configuration
Setup the Use of the Light(s) on the Call Station Configuration
Add Communications to an Alarm
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Install a Device Plug In (PC Call Station)
Change ISO Code on a Call Station using the Micro SD Card
Change ISO Code on a Call Station using VT3000 Core Software - Wireless
Perform a Coverage Test on a Powered Call Station
Perform a Coverage Test on a Battery Powered Call Station
Additional Help
Submit a Ticket - https://www.versacall.com/customer-support/service-ticket
Training Videos - https://www.versacall.com/training
